Williams/Bally knocker assembly.
Includes plunger, mounting bracket, coil, coil sleeve, coil retaining bracket, rubber grommet, mounting screws & wiring harness.
Does not come with strike plate. If you need a strike plate order part #01-7525.
Please note: if you are installing this knocker in a pre-WPC machine you will need to add a diode to the coil.
Includes plunger, mounting bracket, coil, coil sleeve, coil retaining bracket, rubber grommet, mounting screws & wiring harness.
Does not come with strike plate. If you need a strike plate order part #01-7525.
Please note: if you are installing this knocker in a pre-WPC machine you will need to add a diode to the coil.
Machines produced up to and including Jokerz (December 1988) used coil AE-26-1200. Machines produced after Jokerz used coil AE-23-800. Choose coil from the drop-down menu above.
Bally machines produced before 1987 do not use this assembly.
Williams/Bally #B-10686-1.