Up/down post assembly & lock assembly in many Data East/Sega-Stern pinball machines using various different assembly part numbers.
Choose the coil you need from the drop-down menu above.
Game Compatibility List (may not be a complete list):
500-5867-02-65 - High Roller Casino (090-5004-OT coil)
500-5867-02 - Austin Powers (090-5004-OT coil)
500-5867-02 - Sopranos (090-5004-OT coil)
500-5867-22-ND - Ghostbusters (090-5004-ND coll)
500-5867-07 - Elvis (090-5001-OT coil)
500-5867-12-ND - Pirates fo the Caribbean (090-5044-ND coil)
500-1061-12L - Batman The Dark Knight (090-5044-ND coil)
500-5867-12-ND - Wheel of Fortune (090-5044-ND coil)
500-5867-02-65 - High Roller Casino (090-5004-OT coil)
500-5867-02 - Austin Powers (090-5004-OT coil)
500-5867-02 - Sopranos (090-5004-OT coil)
500-5867-22-ND - Ghostbusters (090-5004-ND coll)
500-5867-07 - Elvis (090-5001-OT coil)
500-5867-12-ND - Pirates fo the Caribbean (090-5044-ND coil)
500-1061-12L - Batman The Dark Knight (090-5044-ND coil)
500-5867-12-ND - Wheel of Fortune (090-5044-ND coil)