22-5/16" wide dual latch raw lockdown bar used in the following Spooky pinball machines:
Rick & Morty
TNA 2.0 (2022 release)
RAW STEEL; no paint or plating.
The undercarriage is welded to the underside of the lockdown bar, ready for paint or powder coating.
Spooky #100-0107-00.
What is a "raw lockdown bar" and why do I need one?
Raw lockdown bars have never been painted, nor have they been plated with chrome or brass. This gives you a "clean palette" to work with. Have a crazy idea for a custom lockdown bar you would like to try out? This lockdown bar gives you the opportunity to do so without having to spend hours (or days) sand blasting and/or stripping the finish off of an old lockdown bar. This lockdown bar is brand new and has never had any finish applied to it; ready for you to create your masterpiece!