We do not ship Rottendog boards internationally.
This board is a plug and play replacement for the original Bally/Williams WPC-S Security MPU processor board.
This board is a plug and play replacement for the original Bally/Williams WPC-S Security MPU processor board.
Williams/Bally #A-20119-xx & A-21377-xx.
Key Benefits
- Remote battery holder (no future acid damage).
- ZERO surface mount components. This is not a throw away board.
- No aftermarket custom components.
- Socketed through hole socket for RAM Chip.
- All new (not 20+ year old) components and PCB
- All of our components match the original schematic component designators, so you can troubleshoot with the original schematics or our schematics!
This board is shipped WITHOUT the 68B09E, ASIC, Security Chip, and ROM chips. Transfer your existing chips over to the new board.
Important Note: This board is about 1/2 an inch wider than the original CPU and will NOT fit in Safe Cracker.
Game Compatibility:
Attack From Mars
Attack From Mars
Cactus Canyon
Champion Pub
Cirqus Voltaire
Medieval Madness
Monster Bash
NBA Fastbreak
No Good Gofers
Scared Stiff
Tales of the Arabian Nights
Ticket Tac Toe